about us

The highest caliber of artistic education

The Crown Art School offers workshops and year-round studio art classes taught by professional artists and experienced educators in a unique setting. Our students have access to an inspiring world-class collection of art.


Full Time Courses

Ottoman Aesthetics and Design

Raci Şenalp
Time: 5: PM UTC
Days of Week: 8 Weeks

Intermediate Andalusian Moroccan Illumination

Fouad Blili
Days of Week: 25 Weeks

Level IV: Complex Four & Six Fold Patterns

Dr. Serap Ekizler Sönmez
Days of Week: 12 Weeks

Level III: Five Fold Patterns

Dr. Serap Ekizler Sönmez
Days of Week: 15 Weeks

Levels I & II: Four and Six-Fold Patterns

Dr. Serap Ekizler sÖ
Days of Week: 20 Weeks

What Our Students Say

The day I laid eyes on Hoca’s Arabic Calligraphy in the Chinese style is the day I totally became mesmerized by his videos and workshops. The flowy ribbony pen strokes of the Arabic letters speak to my soul! Hoca Haji Noordeen is no doubt a master teacher! He teaches from the heart. He engages the students’ minds and souls through the Arabic writings and verses from the book of Allah. I am truly honored to be Hoca Haji Noordeen’s student.

Noor Anwer

Noor Anwer

Arabic Calligraphy in the Chinese Style

Fatma Ulusoy Hoca is a skilled artist and a dedicated teacher who willingly shares her knowledge of the traditional Islamic art of Tezhip. Fatma Hoca’s teaching methodology helps us enhance our creative skills, understand the subject better, and bring out the best in us. I am grateful to have her as my teacher and looking forward to learning more from her in the days to come.

Samreen Wahedna

Sahkulu Apprenticeship Program

Hoca Haji Noor Deen, is gifted in calligraphy and with transmitting and cultivating it in others. His teaching style and encouragement amazes, nurturing you throughout the journey, he brings students together and encourages love and support of one another, bringing additional blessings to each of us. Hoca is someone who not only impresses but inspires. A precious gift to us all. May we be blessed to continue our learning under his shade.

Yasmine Ahmed

Thuluth & Naskh with Haji Noor Deen

Why choose Crown Art School?

We are very proud of our achievements and we can assure you that regardless of which art branch you choose our mission is to inspire students to achieve their goals.We aim to motivate, encourage and equip our graduate to succeed.

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A Legendary Community

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