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Thuluth & Naskhs Programs – Dallas

January 8, 2024 @ 14:57 - January 18, 2024 @ 14:57


Thuluth & Naskhs Programs- Dallas

The Dallas Thuluth and Naskh In-Person Workshops  is an initiative divided into two four-day sessions over two weeks. Participants will have the unique opportunity to delve into the intricacies of these scripts under the guidance of globally recognized master calligrapher, Haji Noor Deen who will presenting as the facilitator and scholar.

Morning Track , taking place from January 8 – 11, 2024, 2023. This track runs from 10 am to 1 pm. This is followed by Week 2 which takes place from January 15 – 18, 2024.

Evening Track , taking place from January 8 – 11, 2024. This track runs from 6pm to 9pm. This is followed by Week 2 which takes place from January 15 – 18, 2024.

Participants in both programs will have the unique opportunity to delve into the intricacies of Thuluth and Naskh scripts under the expert guidance of Haji Noor Deen.

Registration Details:

Registration covers the program fees, ensuring participants can fully engage in the intellectual journey facilitated by Haji Noor Deen. The Dallas Thuluth & Naskh Program offers a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the scholarly exploration of Arabic Calligraphy, guided by a master in the field.

Program Focus:

Delve into the technical intricacies of Arabic Calligraphy, dissecting the mechanics of Thuluth and Naskh scripts. Gain a profound understanding of the art’s philosophical and spiritual foundations, particularly in its role as a disciplining force for the self (nafs).

Thuluth Naskh Programs

Morning Track

Duration: January 8 – 11 & 15 – 18
Time: 10am-1pm
Instructor: Haji Noor Deen


Islamic Association of Collin County (Plano Mosque)

6401 Independence Pkwy, Plano, TX 75023

Evening Track

Duration: January 8 – 11 & 15 – 18
Time: 6-9pm
Instructor: Haji Noor Deen


Islamic Association of Collin County (Plano Mosque)

6401 Independence Pkwy, Plano, TX 75023

Haji Noor Deen 6 scaled
A Photo from Past Events
Haji Noor Deen Hoca 2
A Photo from Past Events

Significant Themes

“Patience is Beautiful”: Reflect on the recurring message of patience, a central theme in Haji Noor Deen’s teachings, and its relevance in Arabic Calligraphy.

Islamic Science of Calligraphy: Recognize Arabic Calligraphy as an Islamic science, akin to fiqh and Tafseer, serving the sacred purpose of preserving the written Word of Allah.

Contextualizing Calligraphy

Appreciate the rich heritage of Arabic Calligraphy by exploring historical and contemporary texts authored by scholars.

Understand the intentions of these scholars, shaping an art form that extends beyond aesthetics to fulfill broader spiritual and intellectual objectives.


Haji Noor Deen

Haji Noor Deen is a renowned master of Arabic calligraphy. He was born in Yucheng, in the Shandong Province of China, in 1963. In 1997, he became the first individual from China to be awarded the Certificate of Arabic Calligrapher in Egypt after studying the calligraphic arts there for over ten years.

In 2017, after a period of study in Istanbul with Ottoman calligraphic master Hasan Celebi, Haji Noor Deen was honored with an Ijazah in the Ottoman Arabic Thuluth and Nasikh scripts, again becoming the first-ever Chinese person to do so.

His work focuses on writing Arabic using a combination of traditional Chinese calligraphic tools and techniques to fuse the Chinese and Arabic visual arts uniquely. Haji Noor Deen is also responsible for the formal codification of the ancient Arabic writing system in the Chinese tradition.

In 2019 for the first time in China, he honored 30 students with an Ijaza in Arabic Calligraphy in the Chinese style.

His work has been displayed in galleries and museums worldwide, including the British Museum, the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, the National Museum of Scotland, and the Center for Government and International Studies (CGIS) at Harvard University.

He was also awarded the Dubai Islamic Economy Development Center 2016 Islamic Economy Award in the category of Islamic Arts.

Thuluth & Naskh Scripts Arabic Calligraphy in the Chinese Style

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I register for the Dallas Thuluth & Naskh Program?

Registration can be completed online through the official event website. Simply follow the provided instructions and fill out the registration form. Payment details and options will be available during the registration process.

What is the cost of registration, and what does it cover?

The registration fee covers the program fees, granting participants access to all sessions and materials facilitated by Haji Noor Deen. It ensures a comprehensive engagement in the intellectual journey of Arabic Calligraphy.

Where will the program be held?

The program will take place at Islamic Association of Collin County (Plano Mosque)

6401 Independence Pkwy, Plano, TX 75023

Is there any prerequisite knowledge or experience required to attend the program?

The Dallas Thuluth & Naskh Program is open to individuals of all skill levels, from beginners to advanced practitioners. No prior experience in Arabic Calligraphy is necessary.

Will materials and tools be provided, or should participants bring their own?

And in terms of materials, they can purchase a complete set for $30 the first day of class in class. All necessary materials and tools for the program will be provided. Participants are not required to bring their own calligraphy supplies.

How can I contact the organizers for additional information or assistance?

For any inquiries or assistance, you can contact the event organizers through the contact information provided on the official event website. Whether you have questions about logistics, registration, or program details, the organizers are there to help.


January 8, 2024 @ 14:57
January 18, 2024 @ 14:57
Event Category:


.Deen Arts Foundation
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